Character Value Resources

Academic Links

Jubilee Centre, University of Birmingham, UK

This is the centre in UK for studies relating to Character Values and Ethics.

1.    Degree course in Character Value Education

2.    Monthly Policy and Research Digest, available on-line

3.    Published Character Value Curriculum for both Primary and Secondary Education.


Research relevant to The Character Well:-


1.    Gratitude in Britain - Documentary exploring cases of Gratitude in Britain.

2.    An Attitude for Gratitude – research into how we as a nation understand gratitude.

3.    Character Education in UK Schools

4.    The Good Teacher – understanding virtues in practice

5.    My Character, Your Life, Our Future – Having Patience’, one of the ‘My Character’ Resources for young people.


The Science of Generosity Initiative at the University of Notre Dame, USA

The Science of Generosity initiative at the University of Notre Dame under the College of Letters and Art, is investigating the sources, origins, and causes of generosity; manifestations and expressions of generosity; and consequences of generosity for both the givers and receivers involved. Generosity for the purposes of this project is defined as the virtue of giving good things to others freely and abundantly. They have nearly 1,000 research articles relevant to the subject of generosity.

Character Value Groups

The Foundation for a Better Life

A non-profit organisation based in USA. Promotes numerous character values via public service campaigns on TV, billboards, radio and the internet. Has inspiring posters that can be downloaded. Also known for its ‘Pass it on’ message and the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.


Virtue First Foundation

Virtue First Foundation is the fastest growing character education and development program in America. Virtue First is dedicated to being inclusive with no specific religious or political affiliation. It is embraced by all types of organisations and has a lot of free resources.


For Adults / Families / Teachers

Thanks! How the new science of gratitude can make you happier;

Robert A Emmons, Ph.D. BOOK 2007; ISBN: 978-0-618-62019-7


The Railway Man - Eric Lomax; Vintage Publishers; 1996 BOOK - True story about forgiveness, based on events that occurred during World War 2. There are several editions of this book. It has also been produced as a film.


Letting go of grudges and bitterness – Mayo Clinic Practicing forgiveness leads to healthy relationships as well as improved physical health.


The Forgiveness Project – a UK-based charity that uses real stories of victims and perpetrators of crime and violence to help people explore ideas around forgiveness.


How Empathy Affects Learning and How to Cultivate it in your students.


An excellent, detailed article on loyalty from Virtue First Foundation, USA.


Teaching your Child Self-Control

Excellent article about teaching self-control to children of different ages


For Young Adults / Children

Stories with values for children

A fun and effective way to educate young children by use of short stories with values. Numerous stories are available to teach children different values as text, audio or animation in both English and Spanish.


An excellent article on cheating can be found in the ‘Kids Health’ section of this USA site devoted to children’s health and development.


A detailed article about gossip can be found in the ‘Kids Health’ section of the same USA site devoted to children’s health and development.


My Character, Your Life, Our Future – Having Patience’, one of the ‘My Character’ Resources for young people.


Respect Yourself – UK Charity with Daily Message Service. A Registered Charity, helping young people aged 13 – 25 years make their own decisions and create a better life.


Respect – a way of life

Women’s and Children’s Health Network – South Australia Kid’s Health ages 6 -12 years, good article on respect for young children › Home › Topics › Your Feelings


Take responsibility for your own actions




DVD's / Videos

Importance of forgiveness: 

A commercial promoting forgiveness



True Video about Forgiveness:-

Following the shooting of Amish school children in 2006

Mother of Amish school shooter granted unexpected forgiveness - YouTube


Oprah Winfrey video re forgiveness

 Oprah's Forgiveness Aha! Moment   Oprah's Life Class   Oprah Winfrey Network - YouTube




